Monday, February 3, 2014


I am not allowed to lie…I tell the truth even if it is not
to satisfy.
There are not secrets only dark little corners
where I hide from myself sometimes.

Never been a fake, what you see is what you get.

It is one o’clock  and still awake,
just as it happened yesterday…

Time to erase the past and see the future
thru a clear glass.
Enjoy the body while it lasts,
drink a cup of water as if was my last.

Put on a red dress and play the sexy part,
share the pictures on the net just for fun.

Live moment by moment, and leave the
worries behind…
I am entitled to my freedom, it is my given right,
not by a higher deity but my own design.

I walk as I please in the alleys of my mind,
watching the memories fade with the illusion
we call time.

I await tomorrow knowing it may never come,
dreams are an escape to many unknown worlds.


feb. 3.14